
Working With Sections

The Section module is the primary tool for putting content on a page in AR5, and it is by far the most-used module type. You can use it to add headings, images, and text to pages, and you can add hyperlinks to any of these elements via the Link wizard. Once a section has been assigned to a page, the Options panel provides several controls for fine-tuning style and reworking layout on the fly. By combining and arranging several sections on a page and specifying the look of each one independently, you can achieve sophisticated page layouts on your website that rival what you would expect from a traditional desktop publishing system.

Release Notes

Release Notes

3/6/2015 12:00:00 AM EST
9.95068493150685 years ago

AR5 Users,

The latest update to AR5 is now here, bringing with it a number of improvements to our suite of tools for front-end design. Themes have been expanded to include more types of page content, and you can now create and define custom module styles that you can apply, on the fly, to modules on the page. Let's take a closer look.

Video Tutorials

These short video tutorials provide an introduction to Agency of Record.