Between the navigation disc and the crumb trail on any CMS page in AR5 is the workspace. The workspace is where you manage your website and all of its content. What you see in the workspace depends on what kind of object you're working with and where in the CMS you’re working on it, but all CMS content appears in the workspace in one of two view modes. We call them list view and details view.
The Workspace
Release Notes
Release Notes
3/6/2015 12:00:00 AM EST
9.95068493150685 years ago
AR5 Users,
The latest update to AR5 is now here, bringing with it a number of improvements to our suite of tools for front-end design. Themes have been expanded to include more types of page content, and you can now create and define custom module styles that you can apply, on the fly, to modules on the page. Let's take a closer look.
Video Tutorials
These short video tutorials provide an introduction to Agency of Record.