
About Page Info

To access a page's info tab, first navigate to the page's details view by clicking on the page in the pages index or in the primary navigation.

Under the info tab you can access and edit CMS record details about your page, as well as manage meta elements and SEO. A page’s info tab contains two cards, named “page” and “meta & sitemap,” which show a table view of the settings abd details associated with that page (in the case of other page types such as journals, other cards may appear). Here are the fields as they appear in the CMS, along with a brief description of each.

The Page Card

Names, Labels, and Headings

  • H1 Heading

    When you enter a value in the H1 Heading field, that value will be used as the front-end page title, appearing in an H1 tag. If you don't specify alternate names, the H1 Heading will also be used in front-end navigation contexts (e.g., drop down menus, the subnav, and the crumb trail), as well as throughout the AR5 back end. In many cases, the H1 Heading field alone will be sufficient to satisfy your page naming requirements.

  • Alternate Nav Name

    If you wish to use a label for your page in front-end navigation that's different from the H1 Heading, you can enter it in the “Alternate Nav Name” field.

  • Alternate Admin Name

    By default, AR5 will use the Alternate Nav Name to label your page on the back end, and if there isn't one it will use the H1 Heading. If instead you want to specify a name for use within the AR5 back end only, enter it in the Alternate Admin Name field.

  • Friendly URL

    When you first create a page, a blank Friendly URL field will be available. If you don't enter one yourself, AR5 will automatically generate one based on the Alternate Nav Name (or, if that's blank, on the H1 Heading) and will fill it in when the new page is saved. Most of the time, the automatically generated friendly URL is all you need and is what makes sense for the page. If you wish to, however, you can manually enter a friendly URL while creating the page or when editing it later.
  • Parent
    The parent page of the current page. This field can be used to move a page from one part of the page tree to another, as an alternative to dragging and dropping with the pages index. When you assign a page to a new parent using this field, the page will be sorted to the end of the list of the new parent's subpages.
  • Page Type
    Determines whether the page is a Forum page, Journal page, Article page, or a regular page.
  • Redirect
    A link field containing a URL to which browsers will redirect anyone who visits the page. Note that setting a page to redirect to a different URL will make content on that page inaccessible.
  • New Window
    Determines whether the page will open in a new tab or window when accessed from a navigation menu. Default is “No.”
  • Container
    Determines whether the page is a container. A container is a placeholder page, used for navigation, that redirects to its first subpage, bypassing the page itself and its content. Default is “No.”
  • Show Subnav
    Determines whether the subnav, if any, appears on the page. The subnav is a menu that shows the siblings and subpages of the current page. Default is "Yes."
  • Include in Site Search
    Determines whether the page apprears in the results when searching on the front end with AR5's search features. Default is "Yes."

The Meta & Sitemap Card


  • HTML Title
    The title to be used in the HTML “title” tag. This title is displayed at the top of browser windows or tabs, in search engine results, and in some automatically generated link summaries such as can be found on social media sites like Facebook. SEO best practices suggest that this should be different than the nav name and page heading.
  • META Keywords
    A few keywords that describe your page and its content. Search engines have deprioritized keywords for indexing and ranking purposes, but they can still be useful for communicating information about your page to these indexers.
  • META Description
    A short description of your page content in sentence form, used in the HTML "description" tag. The meta description is used in search engine results, and most search engines display a maximum of 160 characters. A good meta description is important to convert search results appearences into traffic for your website.


  • XML Sitemap Priority
    Indicates to search engines the importance of the page to your website using decimals representing percentages, 1.0 being the most important. Search engines use this information to better index your website according to the relative importance of your pages to one another. Default value is 0.5.
  • Change Priority
    Indicates to search engines the average frequency with which a page is updated. Search engines use this information to determine how often to crawl your page for new content.

Release Notes

Release Notes

3/6/2015 12:00:00 AM EST
9.638356164383561 years ago

AR5 Users,

The latest update to AR5 is now here, bringing with it a number of improvements to our suite of tools for front-end design. Themes have been expanded to include more types of page content, and you can now create and define custom module styles that you can apply, on the fly, to modules on the page. Let's take a closer look.

Video Tutorials

These short video tutorials provide an introduction to Agency of Record.